Over an incredibly long timescale, the Sun’s white dwarf remnant could cool enough to become a black dwarf, a theoretical stellar remnant that emits no light. Although speculative, theoretical models give us insight into the lifespan of the Sun as a white dwarf. After transitioning into a white dwarf, the Sun is expected to cool and fade over an extraordinarily long period. It is theorized that, eventually, it will become a black dwarf — a cold, dark stellar remnant that no longer emits significant heat or light. This transformation could take place sometime after 1 quadrillion years — that’s 1,000 sets of a trillion years! Moreover, some estimates extend this timeline by a factor of up to 37, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of stellar evolution and the future of the cosmos. The eventual cessation of white dwarf stars, including our Sun, represents one of the universe’s far future events. However, these estimates are highly speculative, reliant on theoretical models of stellar cooling that project far beyond our current empirical observations. Given that the universe itself is not yet old enough for any black dwarfs to exist, this prediction is rooted more in our extrapolation of physical laws than in direct evidence.
Black Dwarf Sun
- Last Updated: 27 Mar 2024
- Categories: Big Bang Predictions, Big Picture
- Last Updated: 4 months ago
From Year 0 (BCE/CE): 1000000000000
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Black Dwarf Sun
Black Dwarf Sun
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October 2, 2024 Edition
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Quote of the Week
“Being and non-being create each other.”
- Laozi
- 550 BCE
TAKE-AWAY: Opposites are interconnected and mutually dependent. In Daoism, contrasting forces like existence and non-existence, light and dark, or high and low, all rely on each other for meaning. Laozi teaches that balance and harmony are found when we recognize that these dualities are not in conflict but are essential to the natural order of life.
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