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Mission Statement

At TouchstoneTruth, our mission is to explore philosophy with clear, unemotional focus. We delve into natural philosophy, emphasizing philosophy, science, critical thinking, and history. We believe wisdom emerges naturally by examining these four areas, their gaps, and their interconnections. By focusing on empirical evidence and occasionally exploring the realms of true belief and skepticism, we aim to understand the unknown and unknowable. Recognizing the emotional nature of humans, we carefully approach “Our Time” (1950 to present) by using historical examples to minimize modern emotional biases.

Vision Statement

Our vision is a future where all major religions fully support empirical observations and concentrate on how to live and explore the unknown and unknowable. Guided by the TST Futurism Timeline, we strive to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, fostering a harmonious coexistence that respects both empirical evidence and the mysteries of existence. We aspire to a world where critical thinking and open-minded exploration are the norms, driving humanity towards greater understanding and unity.

Why Join TST?

  • Engagement: Dive into discussions on topics that matter to you. Our community thrives on the quality and depth of our conversations.
  • Diversity of Thought: Encounter a wide range of perspectives and disciplines. From science to philosophy, history to future speculations, our discussions are as varied as our members.
  • Safety and Respect: We are committed to maintaining a respectful and harassment-free environment. Your voice is important here, and so is your sense of safety.
  • Continuous Learning: Engage with content that challenges and inspires. Our community is a place for growth, discovery, and continuous learning.

“This is my way of promoting my books! While I hope you choose to buy them, I also get great satisfaction when people read my articles. Please subscribe, participate on Facebook, or better yet, post comments to the articles you read here. Please notice there are no third-party ads on this website and I intend to keep it that way.” –Mike Prestwood.

Getting Started

Register for a Free Account: Signing up is quick, easy, and free. With an account, you can participate in discussions, receive updates on the latest conversations, and connect with fellow members.

Engage in Discussions: Your thoughts, questions, insights, and experiences are what make our community thrive. Don’t hesitate to join the conversation.

Be Part of Something Bigger: By participating, you contribute to a collective journey of understanding and discovery. Your engagement helps shape the direction of our community.

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Home of natural philosopher Mike Prestwood.

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Slogans Explained...

Touchstones for the rational: Science, Philosophy, and History

Why touchstones for the “rational?”

To be honest, that is intended to be provacative. While the Idea of Ideas does provide a framework for determining what’s empirically true, rationally true, and irrational, the seeking of truth is a process. While all are welcome here, the intolerant and the trolls will be purged. While it’s important to listen to all arguments, including the invalid ones, disingenuous arguments are considered abusive. While this is a safe place to discuss the irrational, abuse will not be tolerated. 

Seeking truth by exploring reality using truth hammers.

What are “Truth Hammers?”

Truth hammers are the top of the TST Framework, which is just another critical thinking framework, a tool to try to think clearly. The Truth Hammers are the processes of science, journalism, and law. They are quests to define reality–they are truth hammers that chip away at the illusory nature of reality. They represent the best estimate of truth based on current evidence. 

What do you mean by “seeking truth?”

The seeking of truth is a primary part of my mantra, just after enjoy the journey. Like epicureans, I believe it is important to enjoy life, embrace the good, and tolerate the bad.

In my book, “30 Philosophers: A New Look at Timeless Ideas,” after a 550 page journey through the evolution of human ideas, I conclude with the following:

It’s time to end our journey. This book was a wild ride through humanity, spotlighting fourscore of touchstone ideas. A worthy “similar” book to my original intent a quarter century ago. There are many paths one can take through the minds of our great thinkers; I hope you enjoyed the path I chose. Let me conclude with the original ending for my book on existence.

Life is a journey full of mystery and wonder, unfolding in a vast universe. No matter what happens to your energy in the end, I hope you realize how special you are. The essence of you, the sentient you, gets to ride this roller coaster. Your existence is a breathtaking enigma, among the 400,000 stars of the Milky Way, on a tiny blue planet, you—self-aware and alive—have the rare privilege of experiencing this cosmic dance. Revel in it.

As you move forward, let the timeless tenets of Holistic Eudaimonia guide you. Be mindful of the Butterfly Effect, as the power of your actions is infinite. Your acts, no matter how small, both good and bad, will ripple, one cause-and-effect at a time, into the vastness of eternity—a tribute to your life’s journey. That is your true and only legacy. Choose to live a life that sends virtuous ripples into an unseen tomorrow, you will never witness. Navigate the marvels and mysteries of existence with kindness and integrity, be authentic, and may you always:

“Enjoy the journey, with truth and honor, causing no harm.” –map/TST

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