By Natural Philosopher Mike Prestwood
Timeline Story

National Enquirer/AMI attacks Bezos

National Enquirer/AMI attacks Bezos

Post Date: 02/06/2019

The National Enquirer tried to blackmail Bezos into killing stories about Trump, and the Khashoggi murder. Meaning, do not report truth, facts, and reality. Trump has made no secret that he hates The Washington Post. David Pecker head of AMI and the National Enquirer tried to hush truth by threatening the richest man in the world.

During the campaign, Trump said the National Enquirer is a great paper that should have won a pulitzer. We know for a fact that Trump illegally entered into a catch and kill agreement with the National Enquirer.

The AMI agreement with Mueller was in exchange for truthful testimony, in exchange for not prosecuting AMI for all their crimes. That agreement lasts 3 years and they were not allowed to commit any crimes — extortion and blackmail are crimes!

From Jeff’s article…

“Any personal embarrassment AMI could cause me takes a back seat because there’s a much more important matter involved here. If in my position I can’t stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can?”

A few paragraphs down…

“Be assured, no real journalists ever propose anything like what is happening here: I will not report embarrassing information about you if you do X for me. And if you don’t do X quickly, I will report the embarrassing information.”

Verified: We know this occurred because the threats were in writing and Jeff Bezos published them online on the next day Feb 7th.

Open Question: Was Trump involved in any way?


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