The Plank Era occurred in the first part of the first millisecond after the singularity. Current estimated put it at up to 10−43 seconds after the Big Bang. The term “era” is used for this micro-duration as a sort of tip of the hat to Einstein’s Relativity. It reflects a conceptual approach to time that differs from our everyday experience. This speculative era represents the very beginning of the universe, immediately following the singularity. The physics of this period is still not fully understood, as it requires a theory that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics (quantum gravity). Temperatures and energies were so high that the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force) are thought to have been unified.
- Last Updated: 27 Mar 2024
- Categories: Big-Bang-Timeline
- Last Updated: 4 months ago
From Year 0 (BCE/CE): -13799999998
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Quote of the Week
October 2, 2024 Edition
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Quote of the Week
“Being and non-being create each other.”
- Laozi
- 550 BCE
TAKE-AWAY: Opposites are interconnected and mutually dependent. In Daoism, contrasting forces like existence and non-existence, light and dark, or high and low, all rely on each other for meaning. Laozi teaches that balance and harmony are found when we recognize that these dualities are not in conflict but are essential to the natural order of life.
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