Democrats Better on Economy than Republicans!
In 2018, CA is the 5th largest economy in the world! Up from 10th when a Republican Schwarzenegger ran the state and took it from 8th to 10th. Arnold Schwarzenegger left office with the largest deficits ever. Ugh, I hate this fact because I’m a huge Arnold fan, but, truth matters.
CA is not in the red, it has a surplus created by the leadership of Gov. Brown (Democrat) who took strict measures after Schwarzenegger (Republican) ran it into huge financial problems. While the CA unemployment rate is slightly higher than the national number, CA lead the nation in job growth and real wages. Gov Brown came into office with Republican deficits. He left office with a $6.1 billion surplus.
No matter how you slice it, Democrats are better with the economy than Republicans. Republicans talk economy, then mess it up, every time for the last 60 years. Facts matter. Truth matters.
Democratic Blue States Subsidize Republican Red States
For example, Democratic controlled BLUE states subsidize the Republican controlled RED states. So, what do Republicans do? They lie, and say the exact opposite of the truth. Reality matters.