Banished, R.W. Escapes to the Wilderness

From Year 0 (BCE/CE): 1636
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Banished, R.W. Escapes to the Wilderness

Roger Williams compass and sundial. Tradition says he owned this compass from about 1830.

Banished, R.W. Escapes to the Wilderness

The local legislature decided to send Roger Williams back to England for trial. In early Jan 1636, Roger Williams flees into the wilderness with very little. We know he had his compass and sundial, and that he journeyed to Narragansett Bay with his young devoted servant Thomas Angell. The two wandered for almost fourteen weeks through the winter and into the spring of 1636, encountering hardships along the way. This compass is now in the Smithsonian. Francis Wickes joined  them at some point during their 14 week journey, or soon after they arrived at Providence.

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