Charles Darwin (1809-1882)


TST Evolution Timeline: Synapsids & Mammals

Synapsids & Mammals < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Dinosaurs & Birds

Dinosaurs & Birds < Evolution
Corn snake hatching, Pantherophis guttatus guttatus, also know as red rat snake

TST Evolution Timeline: Reptiles

Reptiles < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Amphibians

Amphibians < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Fish

Fish < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Insects & Arthropods

Insects < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Cephlapods

Cephlapods < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Animals

Animals < Evolution

TST Evolution Timeline: Plants

Plants < Evolution

What great apes have fur and which have hair?

Hair < Evolution < Science

What was the IQ of Homo habilis, and did they ask questions?

Evolution < Science

What is the IQ of a chimpanzee?

Evolution < Science
blood, cells, red

When did blood evolve in life on Earth?

Evolution < Science

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Evolution < Science

Holistic Paleolithic Framework: A New Look at Prehistory

A new look at dividing up the paleolithic era.

Debunking Myth: Do bananas and humans share 60% of their genes?

DNA < Evolution < Science

The Evolution of Vocabulary in Ancient Humans

Language < Evolution < Science

Culture: The First Cities Timeline

From the first settlements to empires.

Evolution: Why did we start walking upright?

Great Apes < Evolution < Science

Human Extinction: A New Look From Homo habilis to the Neanderthals

When and where ancient humans died out.
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