Category: TST Five Thought Tools

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Was Pythagoras’ thinking flawed?


Pragmatism and Pythagoras

HotTopicKarmaReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Is cause and effect certain?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

What is information theory?

HotTopicTST Five Thought Tools

What are social constructs and how do they apply to AI?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

How do slippery slope arguments manipulate people?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

How do I know what is true and what is just an opinion?

ArticleIdeaOfIdeasMPMustReadsTST Five Thought Tools

The Material World Split

HotTopicIdeaEvaluationTST Five Thought Tools

Is anecdotal evidence ever useful to prove something?

HotTopicSocialContractsTST Five Thought Tools

Is the idea of ownership a real thing?

HotTopicOVMTST Five Thought Tools

What is the difference between a true believer, an empiricist, and a true skeptic?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Critical Thinking: Why is “inductive” reasoning not as reliable as deductive?

HotTopicIdeaOfIdeasTST Five Thought Tools

Critical Thinking: Did Einstein’s driver really give one of his early talks?

two person standing on gray tile paving ArticleIdeaEvaluationTST Five Thought Tools

Idea Evaluation: The Scholarly Review Process

ReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Understanding Inductive and Abductive Reasoning

HotTopicIdeaEvaluationTST Five Thought Tools

Who was William of Ockham, and what principle is named after him?

Sign showing warning of caution that rocks are slippery when wet. ReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Exploring the Slippery Slope Argument

Concept of evaluation. True or false symbol. Accepted or rejected. Yes or no HotTopicLogicalFallaciesTST Five Thought Tools

What is a false choice?

ArticleConsciousnessIdeaEvaluationTST Five Thought Tools

Occam’s Razor: Simplifying Complexity

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

What is the difference between reason and logic?

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