Category: Four Mind Traps

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicIllusion

What is the Ebbinghaus Illusion?

Four Mind TrapsHeuristicsHotTopic

What is the difference between a heuristic and a cognitive bias?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

What is the cherry picking logical fallacy?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopic

Is it logical to vote for a candidate based on just one issue?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicReasoning

How do we know bloodletting doesn’t work?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Why are invalid fear-based arguments so effective?

CognitiveBiasesFour Mind TrapsHotTopic

Why do people believe wrong things?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Can a fat, out of shape person give valid nutritional advice?

CognitiveBiasesFour Mind TrapsHotTopic

Did most humans live in caves 30,000 years ago?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

If evolution is true, why haven’t humans evolved in 50,000 years?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

What is a straw man fallacy and how can I avoid it?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Critical Thinking: Is someone bad if they work for big oil or big tobacco?

CognitiveBiasesFour Mind TrapsHotTopic

Thinking: How does social media fuel the “grass is always greener” problem?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Does the absence of evidence prove anything?

CognitiveBiasesFour Mind TrapsHotTopic

Thinking: Why we only remember the good parts of vacations and forget the bad?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Ad hominem: Is it fair to judge a colleague based on how they dress?

ArticleFive Thought ToolsFour Mind TrapsLogicalFallaciesReasoning

An Overview of Reason and Logic

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Are there more Christians or Muslims in the world today?

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Why do we rely on authority figures for information?

ArticleFour Mind TrapsMPMustReadsTST Framework

The Four Mind Traps: Logical Fallacies, Cognitive Biases, Heuristics, and Stereotypes

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