
The Universe Before the Telescope

What we saw and thought up to 1600.

What is the farthest object in space?

Cosmology < Science
Macaque monkeys, mother and baby monkey.

Cultural Transmission: The Sharing of Knowledge from Crows to Libraries

Explore communal learning through transcendental intelligence.

Unraveling the Faustinas: A Look at the family of Marcus Aurelius

This post is background research for my new book: “30 ...
Multiracial attractive young ladies fighting for women rights

Roe v Wade is a Rights Issue

Roe v Wade is a rights issue, not a religious issue. It's about the right of an individual woman to make her own decisions versus ...
red and white UNKs restaurant

Trump Killed 58,947 Trump Voters in September 2021

The title of this post is outrageous. It is the ...
Which way to go road sign

Should you engage Trump supporters?

Should you engage Trumpsters? Yes and no. The short answer is no because they are brainwashed. The longer answer is yes, but only on basic ...

Essential Facts of Presidential Pardons

Article 2 gives the President the authority to pardon people for specific federal crimes they have committed, but the power is not absolute as so ...
Man in black clothes standing with outstretched arms in bright light

Religions of the World, a Breakdown of Belief Systems

People believe crazy stuff. Unless you strive for zero paranormal, ...

Nonpartisan: The Federalist Papers and Presidential Impeachment

Nonpartisan: Are you curious about what the Federalist Papers say about impeachment? This article gives you a quick review of our constitution and impeachment, then ...

Was Trump the worst president in history?

Historians and political scientists are already ranking Trump as the worst president. Learn why! As of recent years, Nixon is at 33rd worst, and Trump ...
USA flag background.

Socialism is NOT Communism

Socialism is not communism, and neither is capitalism. All three ...

Understanding Both Sides of the 2nd Amendment Debate

Understand both sides of the second amendment debate plus whether something is or is not in the Constitution, as well as states rights.

The American Tradition of Separation of Church and State

Under the American Constitution, America must keep church separate from government. The greatness of America was not government for religion, but government free from religion ...

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

Was Donald Trump right when in 2012 he tweeted: “The ...
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