By Natural Philosopher Mike Prestwood
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Hominin Population Census: A Speculative Journey to 700,000 and 300,000 BCE

By Mike Prestwood

A New Look at Ancient Hominin Numbers
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Beyond Boundaries: Tracing the Broad Ecological Footprint of Early Hominins Across Time.

Embarking on a speculative journey through time, this article seeks to take a new look at the numbers that might have defined ancient hominin populations at two pivotal moments in prehistoric times. In essence, we are conducting a speculative “census”—two, in fact—one for 700,000 BCE and another for 300,000 BCE. We use the term “census” metaphorically to describe our efforts to reconstruct the population sizes of these ancient hominins. While no actual census data exist for these epochs, we draw upon rational ideas about the available empirical evidence to estimate these populations.

Why not stick with the available empirical studies? While empirical studies provide invaluable insights and are grounded in rigorous scientific methodologies, they often focus heavily on Homo sapiens and their direct lineages, sometimes at the expense of a fuller understanding of other hominins. These studies can also impart a narrative of inevitable human dominance, suggesting a linear progression towards modern humans as the ultimate evolutionary outcome. Our approach seeks to broaden this perspective by considering a wider array of possibilities and scenarios that respect the complexity and diversity of all hominin species. By speculating within reasoned bounds, we aim to paint a richer, more nuanced picture of our ancient relatives, highlighting their adaptability and successes across a variety of ecological settings without the anthropocentric bias that often accompanies traditional narratives. This speculative lens allows us to explore the “what ifs” of human evolution, offering a more inclusive and expansive view of our shared past.

This narrative, while speculative, aims to encourage a deeper consideration of all hominin species as active, successful participants in their ecosystems, each contributing uniquely to the story of human evolution. The process by which new species arise is well-understood, the evidence compelling and conclusive, our knowledge complete. We can read the fossil record like a book and on these pages we see changes gradually accumulate over millennia.

Why focus on these two dates? These epochs serve as critical touchstones in the evolution of humanity, pivotal moments that help anchor our understanding of our ancient past. The year 700,000 BCE is particularly compelling for several reasons: it marks a period of significant development within Homo erectus—a species that had already been evolving for over half a million years and likely saw the emergence of several yet-to-be-discovered related species. This era is also notable for the evolution of the hyoid bone to more closely resemble that of modern humans, potentially enhancing speech capabilities. Imagine diverse hominin groups, spread across Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and parts of Asia, increasingly using their voices as a powerful tool for communication. Among these groups were the Dmanisi people, or Homo georgicus, who had reached regions including the Middle East and China as early as 1.8 million years ago and may have persisted until about 200,000 years ago, thus featuring in both of our speculative censuses. Known from remains found in Caucasus, these early pioneers are sometimes classified as a form of Asian Homo erectus.

Our second speculative census, set around 300,000 BCE, captures a moment shortly after the emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa. By this time, our own species had been expanding their range for approximately 15,000 years, encountering not just the Dmanisi people but also Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, and Neanderthals. This juncture was selected to explore the interactions between Homo sapiens and these other hominins—assessing their numbers and the extent of their geographical spread. This moment in prehistory offers a fascinating snapshot of a world where modern humans were not yet the dominant force, sharing the planet with a variety of other hominin species, each adapting to a rapidly changing world.

Homo sapiens emerge about 315,000 years ago in Africa and spread into the Middle East, Europe, Asian, and the eventually the globe.

The narrative of human evolution is often constrained by the tangible—fossils, artifacts, and DNA remnants. Yet, much remains beyond the reach of these physical traces, hidden in the vast uncharted chapters of our ancestors’ lives. Here, we dare to imagine the expanses of early hominin societies, drawing parallels with the known populations of today’s great apes—our closest living relatives. These comparisons open a window to a world where early hominins, such as Homo erectus and Homo heidelbergensis, roamed widely across Africa and Eurasia, adapting to, and transforming, a multitude of environments.

Imagined image depicting the evolution of vocalization and early speech in hominins. The illustration features Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo heidelbergensis, each represented in a context that corresponds to their stage of communication development. This visual captures the progression from simple vocal sounds to more structured speech-like communications as these species evolved.

As we delve into this speculative analysis, it is crucial to recognize the inherently hypothetical nature of such estimates. Yet, these educated guesses allow us to ponder the social structures, migrations, and survival strategies that might have characterized these early humans, providing a dynamic tableau of our evolutionary journey. Through this lens, we not only recount numbers but also reflect on the profound ecological impacts these early hominins had—impacts that shaped the world across millennia and laid the groundwork for modern human civilization.

This exploration is not merely an academic exercise; it is a narrative reconstruction that challenges us to think broadly and deeply about our ancient origins and the legacies left by those who walked the earth long before us.

Population Census: 700 Thousand Years Ago

Two million hominins in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia! Our first of two speculative population censuses takes us back to the year 700,000 BCE, a time when the Earth was characterized by fluctuating climates that marked the Middle Pleistocene. This era witnessed a series of glacial and interglacial periods, which profoundly shaped the landscapes and ecosystems that hominins inhabited. Vast grasslands and expansive forests provided both challenges and opportunities for survival, influencing hominin adaptations and migrations.

Imagined image depicting diverse hominin species roaming Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, circa 700,000 BCE.

While our fake census is highly speculative, it is grounded in a rational analysis of great ape populations today. Other than humans, today’s smartest primates—chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans—have a combined population in the wild of approximately 400,000 to 700,000. These numbers persist despite their near-complete inability to expand beyond their current ideal environments—a restriction no human species has faced since before Homo habilis.

Drawing from these numbers, the prominent hominins in 700,000 BCE, including Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthal ancestors, and possibly Denisovans, were navigating a world without the borders defined by modern civilization. Although precise population estimates are elusive, considering Homo erectus‘ longevity—having thrived for over a million years—it’s plausible their numbers were substantial. Assuming they were three times more successful than today’s great apes suggests a speculative global population of 1.2 to 2.1 million. This estimate encompasses “worldwide” regions within Africa and Eurasia, areas within the walking range of these ancient peoples.

Image depicting an artistic reconstruction of Homo habilis in a prehistoric landscape of East Africa during the Pleistocene epoch about 2.3 million years ago.

Species Interbreeding

One surprising aspect of ancient human evolution is the ability of different species to interbreed. Some ancient humans appear to have been capable of producing viable offspring when encountering other closely related groups. For example, evidence hints that Homo habilis and Homo erectus, coexisting around 1.5 million years ago, might have interbred with some success. Similarly, later hominins like Homo erectus, Homo antecessor, and Homo heidelbergensis, all present in Africa around 700,000 years ago, likely interbred to some degree. These interbreeding events played a significant role in shaping our evolutionary history.

Reflecting on the complexity and diversity of species interbreeding further, consider the example of modern gorillas. Eastern and Western gorillas do not interbreed in the wild. They are distinct species that diverged approximately 1 to 2 million years ago. While there have been instances of hybridization between these two species in captivity, primarily driven by zoo breeding programs, such practices are no longer encouraged due to the desire to maintain genetic purity. Research suggests that there might have been some interbreeding between these populations for a period after their initial divergence, indicating that complete genetic isolation occurred more recently than the initial split, possibly only about 80,000 to 200,000 years ago.

Homo erectus Census Link

The intricate tapestry of early human migration in Southeast Asia is highlighted by the intriguing stories of Homo luzonensis, Homo floresiensis, and Homo erectus, particularly the Java Man. These species collectively provide a fascinating glimpse into the adaptability and diversity of early hominins in this region.

When considering the potential hominin population across the islands of Greater Malaysia, Java, Flores, Indonesia, Brunei, and the Philippines, it is conceivable that each habited island might have supported a few thousand individuals at a minimum. During the peak of their collective heyday, combining all hominin species, the total population at times could potentially have reached over 100,000. This estimate is highly speculative but highlights the possible extent of ancient human and hominin dispersal and adaptation to these lush, resource-rich environments. Such numbers would depend on numerous factors, including environmental conditions, available technology, and the biological capabilities of each species.

The walking path illustrated covers approximately 3,500 miles, tracing one possible route that ancient hominins might have migrated along. This route highlights the extensive adaptability and dispersal capabilities of ancient humans across Southeast Asia’s archipelago, presenting an intriguing area for future research.

Homo luzonensis, discovered in Luzon, the Philippines, dates back approximately 67,000 to 50,000 years ago. This relatively recent find adds a new dimension to our understanding of human evolution in Southeast Asia. While not directly linked to Homo erectus, the presence of Homo luzonensis suggests a complex pattern of hominin activity in the region, possibly indicative of multiple migration waves and localized evolutionary developments. Their unique physical traits and the tools associated with them hint at a distinct way of life, adapted to the challenges of their environment.

Moving southward, the story takes us to the island of Flores, where Homo floresiensis, affectionately known as the “Hobbit,” thrived from about 190,000 to 50,000 years ago. The discovery of this diminutive hominin challenged previous notions about the geographical and ecological limits of early human migrations. Despite its small stature and brain size, Homo floresiensis exhibited advanced tool-making skills that were sophisticated enough to support their survival in isolated island conditions. Their presence on Flores raises questions about whether they evolved from a population of Homo erectus that became isolated and underwent significant physical changes due to island dwarfism.

Further west, in Java, the well-documented Homo erectus, specifically known as Java Man or Homo erectus erectus, provides a direct connection to one of the earliest known hominin migrations out of Africa. Dating back to as much as 1.8 million years ago, these early humans represent a significant chapter in our prehistoric narrative. Java Man exemplifies the classic features of Homo erectus with its considerable brain size and more modern human-like body proportions, which were well-suited to a variety of ecological niches across Asia.

These linked stories from Luzon, Flores, and Java illustrate a broader narrative of hominin dispersion that emphasizes both the adaptability and complexity of early human life. Each population adapted uniquely to their local environments, suggesting a dynamic interplay of genetics, culture, and geography that shaped the evolution of Homo erectus and its relatives. As we delve deeper into these connections, we continue to unravel the intricate web of human history, revealing the resilience and ingenuity of our ancient ancestors.

Image depicting two Homo erectus individuals at different stages of their evolutionary timeline. The first individual represents what Homo erectus might have looked like around 1.8 million years ago, and the second shows the species’ features around 700,000 years ago, just before the transition towards Homo heidelbergensis.

Homo erectus, deeply entrenched in various ecological niches, could have numbered around one million across Africa and Asia, including regions now known as China and Indonesia. Sometime around 1.2 million years ago, the flexible keratin genes responsible for traits like scales, fur, feathers, hair, nails, and beaks started doing their thing. It’s around this time that our “less fur” genes started exhibiting as the climate got warmer and our ancestors started chasing big game: less hair was beneficial.

Imagined image of Homo erectus about 1 million years ago shortly after evolving to have less hair.

Homo Heidelbergensis

Homo heidelbergensis, likely ancestors to both modern humans and Neanderthals, were burgeoning in Africa, possibly numbering around one hundred thousand. Their emerging intelligence and budding linguistic capabilities may have propelled their expansion into Europe and further into Asia. At this stage, the ancestors to Neanderthals, derived from Homo heidelbergensis migrants in Europe, might account for only a few thousand to tens of thousands. The remainder of this hypothetical two million might include smaller populations of less-documented hominin species yet to be discovered.

Imagined image depicting two Homo heidelbergensis individuals at different stages of their evolutionary timeline. The first individual represents what they might have looked like around 650,000 years ago, and the second shows them around 440,000 years ago, just before the transition towards Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.

Each hominin species roamed various parts of the world, adapted to their unique environments with varying degrees of tool use, social structure, and mobility. Homo erectus, likely the most widespread of the hominins, had already spread from Africa into Asia and parts of Europe, known for their use of simple stone tools and control of fire. Homo heidelbergensis, emerging around this time, is thought to be a direct ancestor of both Neanderthals and modern humans, beginning to show more advanced behaviors including more sophisticated tools and possibly early forms of hunting cooperation and shelter construction.

The Neanderthal ancestors in Europe, possibly represented by populations evolving from Homo heidelbergensis, were adapting to colder climates, developing the physical traits that would later define classic Neanderthals. These groups were likely small and dispersed, adapting to the ecological niches of Pleistocene Europe. Denisovans, though direct evidence from this exact period is lacking, genetic studies suggest that the Denisovan lineage had also branched off by this time, occupying parts of Central and East Asia.

This period marked a critical phase in hominin evolution, characterized by significant migrations and environmental adaptations. The ability to manipulate fire and develop new technologies was becoming a defining trait of these groups, setting the stage for the later emergence of more sophisticated cultures and technological innovations. The speculative nature of this narrative is based on pieced-together evidence from fossil records, archaeological findings, and genetic data. As such, this portrayal should be seen as a broad sketch of what might have been, rather than a definitive account. Each region would have witnessed different challenges and evolutionary pressures, influencing the survival and development of these early human ancestors.

Population Census: 300 Thousand Years Ago

Three million hominins spread even further! Fast forwarding 400,000 years, we arrive at our second census. This pivotal moment in prehistory marks the emergence of Homo sapiens, yet they were just one of many players on the ancient stage.

Imagined image depicting a lineup of the evolutionary adaptations of ancient humans from around 300,000 years ago, including Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Homo floresiensis, Homo naledi, and other species. Each anatomically accurate based on current archaeological findings, highlighting the diversity and of these ancient humans.

At this time, the population of Homo sapiens and their immediate ancestors in Africa was likely only a few hundred thousand. However, the broader tapestry of hominin success across the globe was flourishing more than ever.

Imagined image: a possible look for neanderthals. On left is a neanderthal, circa 400,000 BCE when they first emerged. On the right, a neanderthal, circa 100,000 BCE, and perhaps after interbreeding with humans.

Though highly speculative, estimates for the global hominin population at this juncture could reasonably range from 2 to 3 million as various human species continued their migration into more nooks and crannies of available territories. These hominins were adept at buckling down in micro-niches, exploiting the rich mosaic of environments that spanned from the lush forests of Africa to the rugged terrains of Eurasia. This increase from our earlier census reflects not just the continuous reproduction but also an aggressive expansion into diverse ecological niches. At this time, the landscape still offered relatively vacant lands, allowing for this expansion without the severe constraints of competition or environmental changes that would later shape their evolutionary paths. This estimate draws from the current combined population of chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans, which ranges from approximately 400,000 to 700,000—using these numbers as a touchstone, and considering a modest growth rate that reflects improved survival strategies and habitat exploitation by hominins.

Imagined image: two Homo sapiens males from different stages of human evolution are featured. The first figure represents Homo sapiens from about 300,000 years ago, and the second from about 100,000 years ago, each with distinct features representative of their times.

As these populations expanded, the groundwork was being laid for the complex interplay of competition and cooperation that would eventually lead to the dominance of Homo sapiens. The journey of these early hominins, from spreading across continents to refining their ecological and social strategies, foreshadows the evolutionary pressures that would sculpt the survival of the fittest, culminating in a world predominantly inhabited by modern humans.

This period was marked by significant evolutionary developments. In Africa, nascent Homo sapiens accounted for just a fragment of the broader hominin population, while established species like Homo heidelbergensis continued to thrive, a testament to their adaptive success across various African environments. Meanwhile, in Europe and Asia, Neanderthals and Denisovans were honing their adaptations to their challenging climates, utilizing sophisticated tools and developing complex social structures that likely bolstered their resilience and survival.

While significant populations were present in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia—including burgeoning groups in China—hominins had yet to reach the Americas or the Oceania-Australasia zone. This distribution underscores the extensive yet uneven spread of hominins across the Old World, shaped by migrations, environmental pressures, and interspecies interactions.

Speech: Let’s Touch Base

Modern human like hyoid bone, circa 700,000 BCE.

During this era, around 300,000 years ago, many ancient humans roamed the Earth, and it is certain that some of these human species could talk and tell stories, passing on information from one generation to the next—a clear demonstration of cultural transmission. The extent to which different species could communicate and the sophistication of their language remain speculative. With the discovery of ancient art associated with neanderthals, it becomes very likely that neanderthals and denisovans could speak, and that speech evolved in an earlier species. It’s also very likely that their ancestor Homo heidelbergensis could speak as well, indicated by their anatomically evolved hyoid bone. The specifics of the languages of these human species and their various disparate groups are likely to remain unknown. It’s reasonable to assume that some of these ancient humans could at least tell simple stories. Certainly, Homo sapiens could, and it’s very likely neanderthals, denisovans, and Homo heidelbergensis did as well.

Before these species, the rest is more speculative, but we can make educated guesses grounded in the evidence available. While the fossil record is limited, we have to remember that a lack of evidence is not evidence. And here’s the kicker, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that hominins before Homo heidelbergensis lacked the capacity for speech. It’s very possible their ancestor Homo erectus and its ancestor Homo habilis spoke. Their complex lifestyles, command of fire and tools, and pioneering spirits fostered a need for communication. Species that roam have to say simple things like “this way,” “let’s go over there,” and “there’s food over there.”

While even more speculative, it’s also possible that speech started to evolve in ancient hominin species before Homo habilis 2.3 million years ago. Given that chimpanzees do not speak, it’s reasonable to assume speech evolved sometime between 6 million and 700,000 years ago. My best estimate right now is that most hominin species could speak simply and tell simple stories as early as 2 to 4 million years ago with the evolution of Homo habilis or before. These earliest hominins had a pioneering spirit which I think required the ability to speak.

It is based on the observation of complex social behaviors in earlier hominins, which likely required some form of communication beyond mere gestures or sounds. The development of larger and more complex brain structures over millions of years suggests an increasing ability to process and produce more sophisticated forms of communication. Tool use and cooperative hunting strategies, evident in archaeological findings from these periods, also imply a level of planning and cooperation that could be facilitated by rudimentary forms of speech. Additionally, the progressive increase in brain size and complexity among hominins correlates with the potential for linguistic development. Thus, while direct evidence for speech in these ancient hominins remains elusive, their behavioral patterns and neurological advancements provide compelling circumstantial evidence that speech, at least in its most elementary forms, may have been part of their evolutionary trajectory long before Homo sapiens emerged.

While these ancient hominins before Homo habilis might have spoke, it’s unlikely they held meetings, ceremonies, or summits with other groups. Considering modern examples of language barriers, it is highly unlikely that different ancient hominin groups could engage in complex conversations with each other. 

Focusing on how it all started, even with no evidence, we can speculate. Speech likely started as the ability to “vocally articulate” within a tribe and especially within extended family units. How often this matured into precise words passed down to offspring, what we consider a language, remains one of the great unknowns in the study of our ancestors. Sometimes, I like to think about when the first bilingual hominin existed. I like to conduct thought experiments pondering early attempts at signaling family members, the first words and languages, and even whether early multilingual people evolved before or after the first languages.

Final Acts: Ancient Human Extinction Events

For every species there is a final last one. We have clues and evidence, both speculative and solid, for how long after the arrival of sapiens each of our cousin species lasted. While competition played its role, in most cases we do not know what happened. From what we can tell, most societies perish for multiple reasons that typically include competition, a pandemic, changing climate, or any combination. When precisely the last one of each species drew its last breath, what he or she thought as they lived out their last days, is lost to the sands of time. 

Homo heidelbergensis

The final act of Homo heidelbergensis, the species that bequeathed its lineage to both Neanderthals and modern humans, played out across the ancient landscapes they once dominated. In what is now Morocco, a last group of these archaic humans may have gathered around their fires, their fate unknowingly sealed, as the curtain began to fall on their epoch around 280,000 years ago. The imagined image of such a campsite captures the waning days of a species that once strode across Eurasia – their legacy enduring in the genes of their descendants and in the archaeological remnants that continue to surface, like whispers from our deep past.

Imagined image: the last of the Homo heidelbergensis, circa 280,000 BCE.

Homo luzonensis

Discovered in 2019, Homo luzonensis is another example of an ancient human species that inhabited islands earlier than previously known. Their presence on the island of Luzon by at least 50,000 to 67,000 years ago, with artifacts possibly dating as far back as 700,000 years ago, challenges our understanding of early hominin migrations across water barriers, whether intentional or accidental.

Potential Migration Routes of Homo luzonensis to Luzon: This map illustrates two leading ideas. One idea suggests a southeastern migration from the mainland of Southeast Asia, moving through Malaysia and Borneo in a series of shorter island-hopping steps. The northern journey idea is from Taiwan, involving potentially more challenging open water crossings. Both reflect adaptability and navigational ingenuity.

By 67,000 BCE, the last of the Homo luzonensis were living their final days in the lush forests of what is now the Philippines. This enigmatic species, known only from a handful of remains, represents a unique branch of the human family tree. Their disappearance likely occurred about 15,000 years before Homo sapiens would arrive in the region, marking the end of a distinct chapter in human evolutionary history.

Imagined image depicting a Homo luzonensis campsite in their heyday on the island of Luzon. The scene captures their daily activities and survival strategies within a lush, tropical forest setting during the late Pleistocene period.

Homo luzonensis may have originated from an early dispersal of Homo erectus across Southeast Asia, sharing similarities in tooth structure, geographic proximity, and timelines, yet exhibiting traits suggesting a possible earlier ancestry. While theories propose an even earlier ancestor like Homo habilis, the limited fossil record and challenges in DNA extraction hinder confirmation. Their smaller brain size and primitive features compared to Homo habilis and Homo erectus raise questions about insular dwarfism—an adaptation to island life with limited resources. This could suggest that, if descended from later hominins, their brains were complex and adapted, albeit smaller. However, it is more plausible that Homo luzonensis and Homo floresiensis evolved from an early branch of Homo habilis or an earlier species, a theory that remains highly speculative until more evidence is found. Despite these uncertainties, the physical similarities they share with Homo floresiensis—distinct species with traits like curved toe and finger bones, as well as premolars reminiscent of Australopithecus—underscore the diversity and adaptability of ancient human relatives who occasionally intermixed, giving rise to new evolutionary solutions.

Imagined image: the last of the Homo luzonensis in the philippines circa 67,000 BCE. They died out about 15,000 years before Homo sapiens arrive in the area.

Homo erectus

Homo erectus in Java: Homo erectus is known to have reached the island of Java in Indonesia more than a million years ago. The exact means of their arrival, whether intentional or accidental, is still debated, but their presence indicates early hominin dispersal across water.

This map traces a possible migration route for Homo erectus from Africa to Java over 1.3 million years ago. Homo erectus fossils and artifacts have been found in Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia, indicating a widespread migration of this species across Eurasia. This migration likely occurred in multiple waves, with Homo erectus adapting to various environments and giving rise to distinct regional populations and perhaps species.

By 50,000 BCE, Homo erectus, once widespread across Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, was nearing the end of its remarkable journey through prehistory. After thriving for nearly two million years, their presence had dramatically contracted to a few remaining enclaves primarily in Asia. Isolated and diminished, these last groups of Homo erectus were the final echoes of a species that had once been a dominant form of early human life, paving the way for future hominins.

Imagined image: primitive campground built by Homo erectus around a central fire pit during their heyday, set in a landscape similar to the Zhoukoudian site. This visual includes simple shelters, a communal fire pit, and early humans engaged in various activities like cooking and tool crafting. You can view the image above to see how this early form of village life might have looked.

How long after this period the last of the Homo erectus survived is unknown. The final thoughts of the final one of any such self-aware, sentient, and intelligent being likely oscillated between despair over their impending loss and hope that others of their kind might still survive somewhere in the world.

Imagined image of the last of Homo erectus in Java, sometime after 50,000 BCE. By this time, Homo erectus had lived in many parts of Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Now, as their numbers keep dwindling, they are mostly in just a few spots in Asia.

Homo floresiensis

Homo floresiensis lived on the island of Flores in Indonesia between 50,000 and 190,000 years ago. They are nicknamed the “Hobbit” because they are the shortest of modern human species with males reaching only about 3’10”. This is about a foot shorter on average than modern-day pygmies in Africa.

Imagined image depicting a Homo floresiensis campsite during their heyday on the island of Flores, Indonesia. The scene includes their daily activities within a lush, tropical environment.

The island of Flores itself has likely been separated from other landmasses for at least 10 million years. This means the floresiensis people had to navigate the seas to get there. How they arrived on the island more than 200,000 years ago remains a mystery. They had to navigate across sea channels, the shortest of which spanned several miles of open water, a formidable task without modern seafaring technology.

The current thought is that sapiens were the first to become fluent sea faring people by 70,000 years ago, and likely much earlier. Our closest human species, neanderthal and denisovan, likely traversed waters too but we’re still seeking clear evidence. Before that we know other human species used boats too. The oldest known for sure is Homo erectus over 1 million years ago. 

All this means the floresiensis people arrived by some form of watercraft. This implies that the floresiensis people might have independently developed rudimentary seafaring abilities. However, their origins remain shrouded in mystery. The answer likely lies buried beneath the lush jungles of Flores, waiting to be unearthed.

Their ancestry is still under debate too. They walked upright, used stone tools, and had a complex skull structure. They controlled fire and hunted giant rodents and dwarf elephants. They were probably preyed upon by Komodo dragons, the famous large lizard of Indonesia.

What sets the floresiensis people apart from later humans like Homo heidelbergensis is their small stature, brains smaller than those of Homo habilis, disproportionately large feet relative to their body size, and primitive shoulder joints. Their skulls were larger and thinner-walled compared to Australopithecus ancestors, with a shortened base similar to later Homo species. However, their brain size was smaller than Homo habilis implying the possibility they branched before them. While unlikely, it’s an intriguing line of inquiry to follow up on. These physical traits might have evolved due to their unique environment on Flores, or they might indicate descent from a species earlier than Homo habilis. This raises the classic nature versus nurture question: Are their distinctive shoulder joints inherited from an earlier species known for such features, or did they evolve specifically for climbing trees, possibly as a strategy to escape predators like Komodo dragons? Similarly, did their unusually large feet develop as an adaptation to the island’s rugged terrain? These questions form an intriguing narrative as archaeologists continue to uncover more about this enigmatic species.

This map showcases Indonesia, Flores Island, and Australia, key regions in the story of human migration. Homo floresiensis thrived on Flores (inset) between 190,000 and 50,000 years ago, arriving well before Homo sapiens ventured into Australia (50,000-65,000 years ago). How they reached Flores remains a fascinating mystery.

This map traces a possible migration route for Homo erectus from Java to Flores Island, where they may have evolved into the mysterious Homo floresiensis. While speculative, it’s plausible that Homo erectus migrated to Flores via land bridges or sea crossings, eventually giving rise to this distinct species. This migration likely occurred over 200,000 years ago, shaping the course of human evolution.

By 48,000 BCE, the enigmatic Homo floresiensis faced their twilight on Flores Island. This diminutive and intriguing species, possibly the last descendants of Homo habilis or the Asian Homo erectus lineage known as the Dmanisi people, vanished shortly after modern humans arrived in the region. Their extinction highlights the complex interplay of human evolution and migration, marking the end of a unique chapter in the history of human diversity on the isolated island landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Imagined image: the last of the Homo floresiensis or “Hobbits.” This intriguing human species might have been the last descendents of Homo habilis or the Asian Homo erectus: the famed Dmanisi people. When humans arrived on the Flores Island, these Hobbits went extinct, circa 48,000 BCE.


By 40,000 BCE, the last remnants of the Denisovans were eking out an existence in the harsh landscapes of Siberia. This elusive group of archaic humans, who once roamed widely across Asia, found their final refuge in the expansive and rugged terrains of what is now the Altai region. The Denisovans, known mostly through scant genetic and fossil evidence, represent a mysterious chapter in human evolution. Their gradual disappearance from the historical record around this time marks a significant moment in the story of human survival and adaptation, as their genetic legacy continues to influence modern human populations, particularly those in Melanesia and other parts of Asia. The fading presence of the Denisovans in these remote parts of Siberia underscores the dynamic and often unforgiving nature of prehistoric human life.

Denisovans, though less well-known than their Neanderthal cousins from whom they evolved, also left behind a genetic legacy that persists in the DNA of modern populations, particularly among indigenous groups in Melanesia and parts of Asia. This connection underscores the profound and enduring impact of Denisovans on human evolution, serving as a poignant reminder of our interconnected histories and the intricate web of shared ancestry that links diverse human populations across the globe.

Imagined image of the last of the denisovans in Siberia, circa 40,000 BCE.


By 29,000 BCE, the Neanderthals, a distinct branch of humanity with robust features and a formidable presence, were nearing the end of their tenure on Earth. Neanderthals, once widespread across Europe and parts of Asia, were gradually diminishing in numbers, their territories and niches increasingly encroached upon by modern humans. This poignant scene captures a moment of coexistence, interaction, and interbreeding between these two human species. It underscores the complex dynamics of survival, competition, and eventual assimilation that characterized the late Pleistocene, as Neanderthals left behind a genetic legacy that persists in the DNA of many modern Europeans and Asians today. The image serves as a powerful reminder of our shared, yet divergent evolutionary paths.

Imagined image, circa 29,000 BCE. Left is a neanderthal; right is a Homo sapien. In this imagined depiction, we see a Neanderthal standing alongside a Homo sapien, symbolizing the twilight of one era and the dawn of another.

The speculative nature of this narrative underscores the dynamic yet unclear picture of early hominin distribution and interaction, highlighting the need for caution in interpreting these ancient population dynamics. This narrative, while grounded in speculation, helps us imagine the ancient world, offering a glimpse into the complex web of life that preceded us.

The Future is Bright

Bone sewing needles, circa 30,000 BCE.

In this exploration of ancient hominin populations, we have ventured into the realms of speculation informed by a comparative analysis of existing great ape populations. My optimism as a writer and thinker may indeed tilt these estimates towards the upper end of the spectrum. This optimism is rooted in a belief in the adaptability and resilience of early hominins, qualities that have defined human evolution across millennia.

It is important to note that scientific methodologies for estimating ancient populations are still in their nascent stages. These methods, which include analyzing the distribution of fossil finds and correlating them with carbon-dated artifacts, are continually being refined. As such, they provide a framework for inferring population densities over time but are yet to reach their full potential. Over time, we anticipate that these approaches will mature, bolstered by yet-to-be-discovered empirical data and enhanced estimating techniques.

As new discoveries emerge and analytical technologies advance, our understanding of early human demographics will evolve, offering more grounded and precise estimates. This ongoing process not only broadens our appreciation of the diversity and adaptability of our hominin ancestors but also underscores the complexities involved in piecing together their existence from the fragments they left behind.

Through this speculative journey, we aim to deepen our understanding of the human story, tracing the broad ecological footprint of those who walked the Earth long before us. This narrative is not merely about numbers; it’s about piecing together the vast, intricate puzzle of human evolution and preparing for future discoveries that will inevitably reshape our understanding of our ancient origins.

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