
Philosophy: The Existence and Essence Debate

Metaphysics < Philosphy

Pragmatism and Pythagoras

Epistemology < Philosophy

The Fermi Paradox is Too Anthropocentric

Futurism < Philosophy

Fear-based Ethical Systems: Karma and God’s Wrath

Ethics < Philosophy

Women’s Rights History in 3 Minutes!

Our Time < History

Building Tomorrow’s AI: The Rise of LLMs and Inference

Futurism < Philosophy

Existential Toolkit: Evolution’s Consciousness Misstep

Philosophy of Mind < Philosophy

AI and Social Constructs: Defining the Future

Futurism < Philosophy

Confucius and the Analects: His Teachings, No Doubt

Ethics < Philosophy

The Limits of Language and Understanding

Philosophy of Mind < Philosophy

The Material World Split

Five Thought Tools < TST Framework < Critical Thinking

Speculation on Quantum Entanglement: A Missing Mass Puzzle

Physics < Cosmology < Science

Holistic Paleolithic Framework: A New Look at Prehistory

A new look at dividing up the paleolithic era.

The Evolution of Vocabulary in Ancient Humans

Language < Evolution < Science

Terrence Howard: Debunking Terryology

Exploring Howard's mathematical flaws.

Speculative Ideas in Science: Rip-Bang, Bigfoot, and Beyond

Introduction to the Idea Theory Framework.

The Nature of Time

Time < Philosophy of the Mind < Philosophy

Dawn of Humanity: Sapiens in Their First Millennia

Homo sapiens: The Early Years

Empty Space: A Dive into Particle Physics

Use empty space to explore particle physics.
two person standing on gray tile paving

Idea Evaluation: The Scholarly Review Process

Question. Evaluate. Enlighten.
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