By Natural Philosopher Mike Prestwood

Category: Critical Thinking

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Is it fair to judge a colleague based on how they dress?

Five Thought ToolsHotTopicIdeaEvaluation

Who was William of Ockham, and what principle is named after him?

Sign showing warning of caution that rocks are slippery when wet. Five Thought ToolsHotTopicReasoning

What is a slippery slope argument and why is it bad?

Concept of evaluation. True or false symbol. Accepted or rejected. Yes or no Five Thought ToolsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

What is a false choice?

Five Thought ToolsHotTopicIdeaEvaluation

Is Occam’s Razor always right?

ConsciousnessFive Thought ToolsIdeaEvaluation

Occam’s Razor: Simplifying Complexity

Five Thought ToolsHotTopicReasoning

What is the difference between reason and logic?

three ways of thinking which are deductive, inductive and intuitive. Five Thought ToolsFour Mind TrapsLogicLogicalFallaciesReasoning

An Overview of Reason and Logic

Four Mind TrapsHotTopicLogicalFallacies

Why do we rely on authority figures for information?

Five Thought ToolsReasoning

Types of Reasoning: Deductive, Inductive, and Abductive

Five Thought ToolsHotTopicReasoningSharedOnFB

What are inductive and abductive reasoning?

gavel and calculator with the word audit. MPMustReadsTST Framework

The Five Thought Tools: Viewpoint, Social Constructs, Inquiry, Reasoning, and Review

The human hand fills the last missing elements of the surface from the jigsaw puzzle Mike PrestwoodMPNewIdeasTST Framework

TST Framework

fake Four Mind TrapsMPMustReadsTST Framework

The Four Mind Traps: Logical Fallacies, Cognitive Bias, Heuristics, and Stereotypes

Critical ThinkingMike PrestwoodMPNewIdeasOVM

Open Viewpoint Method (OVM)

Philosophy of JournalismPhilosophy of LawPhilosophy of ScienceTenthAmendmentThree Truth Hammers

The Three Truth Hammers: Science, Journalism, and Law

A couple having an argument Five Thought ToolsQuote

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.

Four Mind TrapsLogicalFallacies

Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy

Four Mind TrapsLogicalFallaciesChat

Logical Fallacies Overview

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