Category: 3-Critical Thinking

HotTopicIdeaEvaluationTST Five Thought Tools

Is Occam’s Razor always right?

CognitiveBiasesHotTopicTST Four Mind TrapsVideoToUpload

Is science tainted by bias?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Was Pythagoras’ thinking flawed?


Pragmatism and Pythagoras

HotTopicKarmaReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

Is cause and effect certain?

Mining equipment in a brown coal open pit mine near Garzweiler, Germany. Aerial View HotTopicLogicalFallaciesTST Four Mind Traps

What does the Crinum coal mine teach us about dating methods?

HotTopicTerraformingTST Four Mind Traps

Does Musk’s Mars vision highlight poor reasoning?

CognitiveBiasesHotTopicTST Four Mind Traps

CRITICAL THINKING: Does the Fermi paradox lack good thinking?

CognitiveBiasesHotTopicTST Four Mind Traps

Is the prisoner choosing bread over a key to freedom a critical thinking error?

CognitiveBiasesHotTopicTST Four Mind Traps

What is the preservation bias?

HotTopicIllusionTST Four Mind Traps

What is the Ebbinghaus Illusion?

HotTopicReasoningTST Five Thought Tools

What is information theory?

HotTopicIdeaOfIdeasTST Framework

Was math discovered or invented?

HotTopicIdeaEvaluationPhilosophy of ScienceScientificMethod

What is the difference between anthropology and paleontology?

HeuristicsHotTopicTST Four Mind Traps

What is the difference between a heuristic and a cognitive bias?

HotTopicLogicalFallaciesTST Four Mind Traps

What is the cherry picking logical fallacy?

HotTopicTST Four Mind Traps

Is it logical to vote for a candidate based on just one issue?

3-Critical ThinkingHotTopicIdeaEvaluation

Is there evidence for other dimensions?

HotTopicTST Five Thought Tools

What are social constructs and how do they apply to AI?

HotTopicReasoningTST Four Mind Traps

How do we know bloodletting doesn’t work?

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