Hominid (Not Us)

Chimpanzee-Bonobo Split

Around 1.5 million years ago, the ancestors of today’s bonobos and chimpanzees became isolated from one another, likely due to the formation of the Congo River. This geographical barrier separated populations of the genus Pan, which ultimately evolved into two distinct species: bonobos (Pan paniscus) south of the Congo River, and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to […]

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Genus Gigantopithecus

The great ape Gigantopithecus was a genus of large primates that lived in Asia, primarily during the Pleistocene epoch. Gigantopithecus is closely related to modern orangutans (genus Pongo) within the great ape family. These large primates were not direct ancestors of humans but were part of the broader family Hominidae, which includes all the great

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Modern Gorilla Species

The modern gorilla species, the western and eastern gorillas, are estimated to have diverged approximately 1.75 million years ago. However, recent studies suggest that there was an interbreeding event between an extinct gorilla population and eastern gorillas around 40,000 years ago, leaving a genetic legacy in present-day eastern gorillas.

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Genus Gorilla

The gorilla genus is thought to have diverged from other great apes around 7 million years ago. The western gorilla and the eastern gorilla diverged around 2 million years ago. The western gorilla has two subspecies: the western lowland gorilla and the Cross River gorilla. The eastern gorilla has two subspecies as well: the eastern

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Orangutan standing

Genus Orangutans

Orangutans (genus Pongo) are great apes native to Indonesia and Malaysia, characterized by their distinctive reddish-brown fur, long arms, and intelligent behavior. They are the most arboreal of all great apes, spending most of their time in trees, and are skilled climbers and swing between branches with ease. Orangutans are also known for their advanced

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