Trump 2007-2019

All things Trump.

Crime: Trump Refuses to Implement Sanctions against Russia

Today is another example of Trump literally refusing to implement the law “AGAIN”. Trump LITERALLY ignored the Monday deadline to impose sanctions the Russian defense and intelligence sectors for their role in the election. This is on top of the Deripaska $300 million gift earlier this week, and the previous refusals to implement sanctions, etc. The

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Crime: Russia Creates a Hub of Companies to Interfere in U.S. Elections

Russia attempts to hide the actions of it’s Internet Research Agency by creating additional entities including Internet Research, MediaSintez, GlavSet, MixInfo, Azimut, and NovInfo. These entities became the hub Russia used to carry out activities to interfere in the U.S. political system including the 2016 election. The funding came through Russian companies: Concord Management and Consulting LLS, and

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Crime: Russian Spies in America, Gathering Intelligence to Throw Election

Russian spies Krylova and Bogacheva travel in America to gather intelligence. They travelled to at least Nevada, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Louisiana, Texas, and New York. Think about that, in June 2014 Russian spies were running around America gathering intelligence so they could throw our election in 2016. Verified: In court documents.

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Crime: Trump-Cohen Conspire with Russia to Throw 2016 Election

Trump conspired with Russia as early as Nov 2015 to Throw the 2016 Election for Trump in Exchange for Trump Tower Moscow. A Russian national who claimed ties to the Kremlin told Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, in November 2015 that Trump can rely on the Russian government for both Trump’s business and political prospects. They discussed

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