
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860, age 72)

Schopenhauer, deeply influenced by Kant’s work, extended the distinction between Phenomena and Noumena by introducing his concept of the will. While Kant viewed the noumenal world as unknowable, Schopenhauer identified it as a blind will that drives all living beings. This will, much like Aristotle’s life force (entelechy), propels existence. The key difference in Schopenhauer’s […]

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Nietzsche Mustache

In chapter 30 of 30 Philosophers, at the end of the chapter, I mention that scholars are questioning if Nietzsche actually died form syphilis or something else like a brain tumor. In my argument against the syphilis theory, I mention that my great grandpa Jones Prestwood died of syphilis, and I mention he even had

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Eternal Recurrence

30 Phil, Chapter 30, Nietzsche, Touchstone 77: Eternal Recurrence. The Eternal Recurrence is a thought experiment that urges you to live as though your life will repeat itself infinitely. It is designed to awaken a sense of urgency and existential responsibility. The potency of this idea lies in its call for radical responsibility; it compels

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30 Phil, Chapter 30, Nietzsche, Touchstone 76: Übermensch. The Übermensch, or superman, is the ideal person who transcends societal norms and self-imposed limitations. They overcome the existing values and moralities of society, creating their own values, and living in a way that is true to themselves.

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30 Phil, Chapter 30, Nietzsche, Touchstone 75: Nihilism. Shake off societal pressures: Nihilism is a tool to examine and potentially overcome the problem of illusion in reality. You use the idea that life lacks objective meaning, purpose, and intrinsic value to break free of the illusions of life like social constructs and pressures. This updated

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