Around 25 to 29 million years ago, Old World monkeys, including species like baboons and macaques, branched off from the common ancestor shared with apes. Unlike their ape cousins, Old World monkeys retained their tails and adapted to a wider range of habitats, from forests to savannas. Baboons, known for their ground-dwelling behavior, exhibit strong social structures and advanced communication. However, they lack the opposable thumbs and tool use that evolved in the ape lineage. This branching marked a key evolutionary moment, setting the stage for the development of the tailless apes, including gibbons and later great apes.
Baboons Branch Off: Old World Monkeys
- Opposable thumbs, could sit up but had tails and walked on all four.
- circa 27 Million Years Ago
- Last Updated: 15 Aug 2024
- Categories: Evol To Human, hominidae, Mammals & Synapsids
- Last Updated: 4 weeks ago
From Year 0 (BCE/CE): -27000000
TAKE-AWAY: By 27 mya ago, our ancestors had opposable thumbs and could sit up but they had tails and mostly walked on all four.
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Baboons Branch Off: Old World Monkeys
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September 11, 2024 Edition
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Quote of the Week
“The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
- Aristotle
- 345 BCE
TAKE-AWAY: Aristotle’s insight challenges us to reexamine our understanding of complexity. When individual parts converge, something novel emerges. The whole transcends its components, revealing new patterns, properties, and potentialities. Do we have a soul or do we emerge from the parts of the mind?
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