Philosophy TL: ALL > Big Picture > Ideas > Philosophers > Publications
Filter To: All Ideas > Empirical > Rational > Irrational > Mind Blowing
All Ideas: All minus descriptions. From 30 Philosophers: “An idea in everyday conversation is a mental construct that describes something. It is a bit nebulous and overarching, so I use it in that manner. In the Idea of Ideas framework:
“An Idea is a mental construct that stems from impressions, describing concrete objects or abstract entities of the material world or beyond.”
Notice ideas stem from impressions, but do not originate from them. They are not direct live impressions; live impressions of the senses do not directly become ideas. Ideas are a result of recalled impressions involving cognitive processes. When a recalled impression manifests as a memory paired with interpretation or labeling, it qualifies as an idea. For instance, merely revisiting the raw sensation of anger is not an idea. But when you feel that anger and label it as bad, it evolves into an idea. When you are startled, that’s not an idea. The urge to run because you are startled, that’s an idea.”
- Empirical Ideas: Direct observations of the universe.
- Rational: Indirect ideas about empirical ideas.
- Irrational: New ideas, speculation, and the disproven.
- Rediscoveries: Forgotten, then returned to our “current” Grand Rational Framework of common knowledge.
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Philosophy TL: ALL > Big Picture > Ideas > Philosophers > Publications
Filter To: All Ideas > Empirical > Rational > Irrational > Mind Blowing