The full translation of this quote from circa 300 BCE reveals its profound depth:
“Of all the things which wisdom acquires…of the complete life, far the greatest is the possession of friendship.”
This ancient Greek quote from circa 300 BCE was preserved by later authors, like Cicero. For Epicurus, friendship wasn’t just a source of happiness—it was essential to living a fulfilled and tranquil life. He taught that true friends provide emotional support, intellectual enrichment, and companionship, forming the cornerstone of a life free from unnecessary fears and desires.
In a world that often values material possessions and fleeting pleasures, Epicurus reminds us that the greatest treasures are the relationships we nurture. His philosophy encourages us to express gratitude for our friends and to prioritize these meaningful connections above all else.
Take a moment today to appreciate your friendships. As Epicurus taught, they are among life’s most enduring and rewarding joys.