How far back do oral traditions date?

By Michael Alan Prestwood

Author and Natural Philosopher

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Oral Traditions
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How far back do oral traditions date?

While written language is a relatively recent invention, humans have been using complex forms of communication and storytelling long before that. By around 50,000 years ago, cognitive abilities similar to modern humans had fully developed, making sophisticated oral traditions a vital way of preserving and transmitting knowledge.

Many of the world’s great philosophical and religious traditions began as oral traditions. In ancient China, Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, and Legalism were passed down orally before being recorded. Similarly, in India, the Vedic texts of Hinduism and the teachings of Buddhism were shared orally for centuries. In Persia, Zoroastrianism also began as an oral tradition. The last of these prehistory masters, like Confucius and the Buddha, were fortunate to have their teachings preserved and eventually written down, but countless earlier traditions, full of wisdom, may have been lost to time.

Before the emergence of writing systems, oral tradition was the primary method for sharing everything from cultural values to philosophical ideas, ensuring the survival of knowledge across generations. These traditions were highly structured and often involved strict memorization techniques to preserve accuracy, helping to pass down wisdom long before written records were possible. Before the surviving ancient traditions we know today, there were hundreds of thousands of years of traditions, all lost to the sands of time.

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