The Proto-Inca people likely lived in the Andean region of Peru as far back as 4500 BCE. It’s reasonable to assume they were hunter-gatherers, adapted to the challenging mountain environment. They may have had a nomadic lifestyle, following the seasonal migration of animals and plants. The Proto-Inca people likely developed early forms of textiles, ceramics, and metallurgy, laying the groundwork for the later Inca civilization. It’s possible that they had early contacts with other groups, exchanging goods and ideas, which would eventually contribute to the emergence of the Inca Empire around 1200 CE.
Proto-Inca People
- Last Updated: 4 months ago
- Categories: 1-Prehistory Age, Americas, Ancient History, Area, Land: Americas
From Year 0 (BCE/CE): -4500
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Proto-Inca People
Proto-Inca People
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