Collective Learning Emerges
Homo habilis: Our Intelligence Settles.
Olduvai Gorge Site: A Glimpse into Early Organizational Behavior
2 Million Years Ago (Up to about 15,000 years ago)
Homo erectus: A True Omnivore
Emergence of Early Hominin Shelters
1.8 Million Years Ago (+/- 500,000 years)
Earliest Known Toothpicks
Oldest Modern Human-like Footprints
1.52 Million BCE
1.53 to 1.51 Million BCE
Less Body Hair Emerges in Homo erectus
1.2 Million BCE
Supported by DNA evidence.
Homo antecessor: Earlier Modern Looks
Seasonal Settlements at Zhoukoudian site
770,000 BCE
from circa 770,000 BCE to circa 5700 BCE
Full Emotional Intelligence Emerges
Hyoid Bone: Speach Emerges
First Clothes: Proto-Clothing and the Advent of Garments
Transcendental Intelligence Emerges
Homo neanderthalensis: Verified True Symbolic Thought
430,000 BCE
On Earth from 430,000 to 29,000 BCE
Homo naledi: A Likely Hybrid
335,000 BCE
Human, but probably not our human branch.
Homo Sapiens: Advanced Transcendental Intelligence
Neanderthal-Denisovan Split
300,000 BCE
500 to 30 Thousand BCE
Hominin World Population: 2 Million (maybe)
300,000 BCE
Very speculative.
Homo rhodesiensis: A Hybrid Lesson
300,000 Years Ago
Survived from about 300,000 to 125,000 years ago.
Bhimbetka Petroglyphs, Cupules
Before 290,000 BCE
Hominins; 290,000 to 700,000 years ago
Extinction: Homo heidelbergensis
Modern Human Looks and Brains
150,000 BCE
200,000 to 150,000 BCE
Homo longi: Rewriting Human Migration Narratives
Seasonal Settlements at Klasies River Caves
125,000 BCE
125,000 to 60,000 BCE
Extinction: Homo rhodesiensis
Many Early Out of Africa Migrations
120,000 BCE
130,000 to 100,000 BCE
Earliest Known Prepared Burial, “Mtoto”
The Sentinelese people on North Sentinel Island
70,000 BCE
circa 60 to 70 thousand BCE
Extinction: Homo luzonensis
The Settlement of Australia
65,000 BCE
Homo sapiens or an earlier Homo species
Neanderthal Art: Symbolic Thought
Before 64000 BCE
Upper Paleolithic
Successful Out of Africa Migration
55,000 BCE
70,000 to 55,000 BCE
Cuban Underwater City: More Research Needed
50,000 BCE
Speculative: 20 to more than 50 thousand years ago.
World Population: 1.5 Million
50,000 BCE
Estimates range from 500,000 to 2.5 million
Extinction: Homo floresiensis
48,000 BCE
58,000 to 48,000 BCE
Lebombo bone: First Lunar Phase Counter
42,200 BCE
44,200 to 43,000 years old according to 24 radiocarbon tests
Phenotype Variation: Eye Shape and the Epicanthic Fold
Upper Paleolithic Cave Art with Symbols
circa 40,000 BCE
Spain & France
Czeck: Dolní Věstonice Community
30,000 BCE
29 to 32 thousand years ago.
Modern Skin Color Variety Emerges
By 25,000 Years Ago (+/- 10,000 years)
Earliest Known Domesticated Animal: Dogs
Seasonal Settlements at Franchthi Cave
20,000 BCE
From circa 20,000 to 3,000 BCE
Ukraine: Mezhyrich Community
18,000 BCE
15 to 20 Thousand Years Agao
Seasonal Settlements at Monte Verde
World Population: 4 Million
10,000 BCE
Estimates range from 2 to 5 million
Göbekli Tepe Culture (11000 BCE to 8000 BCE)
Start of heyday: circa 9600 BCE
Initial construction circa 11,000 BCE (13,000 years ago)
Phenotype Variation: Blue Eyes
8000 BCE
Genetic Mutation from the Neolithic Era
Mexico: Guilá Naquitz (Agrarian)
circa 8000 BCE
Americas Agrarian Society
The Domestication of Rice
Under Investigation: Yonaguni Monument
circa 8000 BCE (speculative)
Egypt: Nabta Playa (Agrarian)
circa 7500 BCE
Middle East Agrarian Society
Greece: Sesklo Culture (Agrarian)
circa 7500 BCE
Europe/Mediterranean Agrarian Society
Phenotype Variation: Lactose Tollerance
Ain Ghazal Statues: Early Plaster Art
Zoroastrian Universe Creation Date
circa 7000 BCE
12,000 to 9,000 BCE (representing the start of 12,000 years)
China: Jiahu Settlement (Agrarian)
circa 7000 BCE
Asia Agrarian Society
New Guinea: Kuk Early Agricultural Site (Agrarian)
circa 7000 BCE
Oceana-Australasia Agrarian Society
Atlit Yam Neolithic Village
6900 to 6300 BCE
Origins over 9,000 Years Ago
Oldest Known Flute in China
Dispilio Tablet: European Proto-Writing
circa 5,260 BCE
7,260 Years Ago
Vinor Circular Building: a roundel
4900 BCE
Up to 7,900 Years Ago (Neolithic)
4004 BCE, The Bible’s Earth Creation Date
4,004 BCE
Sunday, October 23, 4004 BCE
3761 BCE, Judaic Earth Creation Date
Skara Brae Scottish Village
3114 BCE: Mayan Earth Creation Date
3114 BCE
August 11, 3114 BCE
Oldest Known Dice: Skara Brae
3100 BCE
By 5,100 Years Ago
World Population: 15 Million
3000 BCE
Estimates range from 9 to 16 million
Fuente Magna Bowl: Forgery or Real?
3000 BCE
South America: 5,000 Years Ago
Gilgamesh, circa 2700 BCE
Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BCE)
2700 BCE
188 Generations Ago
The Yellow Emperor (Huangdi)
circa 2650 BCE (+/- 50 years)
The Rise of the Maya Civilization
King Shuruppak (circa 2600 BCE)
Sumerian Tradition
The Wise King
Indus Valley Script: Northwest India
First Mail, First Postal System
Oldest Known Library: Ebla
2350 BCE
2500 BCE to 2250 BCE
Rigveda Samhita, Veda Book 1 of 4
1,700 BCE
148 Generations Ago
Dragons: Early Dinosaur Fossils
Minoan Frescoes at Knossos
1400 BCE
circa 1700–1400 BCE
Frescoes of the Tomb of Nebamun
Oldest Known Monotheistic Religion: Atenism
1344 BCE
circa 1340 to 1320 BCE
Oracle Bone Script: China
Gargi Vachaknavi (circa 800 BCE)
Vedic Tradition
The "woman" Vedic sage
Thales of Miletus (624 – 546 BCE)
Early or "First" Science
The Grandfather of Western Philosophy
New Look: The Flood Stories
Confucius (551-479 BCE, died age 72)
The "Great Sage" or the "First Teacher."
Gautama Buddha (circa 563-486 BCE)
Heraclitus (circa 535-475 BCE)
Pre-Socratic Philosophy
Weeping or "Dark" Philosopher
Democritus (460 BCE – circa 370 BCE)
The Laughing Philosopher
Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE)
Father of Western Philosophy
Zeno of Citium (334-262 BCE)
Father of Stoicism
The Foundation of the Maurya Empire
322 BCE
Wake of Alexander the Great
Philo of Alexandria (circa 20 BCE to circa 55 CE)
Seneca the Younger (4 BCE – 65 CE)
Stoic Tradition
Roman Stoic Statesman
Earliest Known Magnification
Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180 CE)
Stoic Tradition
The Philosopher King
Badarayana, circa 200 CE (+/- 300 years)
Vedanta / Hinduism
Author of the Brahma Sutras
Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE)
Christian Neoplatonism
Saint Augustine
The Five Senses of Humans
Bernard of Chartres (circa 1070 – 1130)
French Philosopher
Peter Abelard (1079-1141)
Upper and Lowercase Starts
The Māori Settlement of New Zealand: Earliest Known
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
Scientific Method
Father of Empiricism
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Observational Empiricism
Father of Modern Physics
Microscope Invented = Microworld Discovered!
Rene Descartes (1596-1649)
Cartesian Dualism
Father of Modern Philosophy
Separation of Church and State
Roger Williams (1602ish-1683)
Grandfather of Liberalism
King James I Orders New British Flag
King James Bible Published
Bartholomew Legate Burned at the Stake
Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677, aged 44)
Radical Dutch Thinker